Friday, January 15, 2016

Top 5 Reasons To Travel While You Don't Have It Together

It is hard to discover our passions in life especially when we are still working on discovering ourselves. As a 26 year old I often times find myself asking what the hell am I supposed to be doing in this life? Here I am in my final semester of my Master’s program, traveling the world, and working full time and I still don’t feel like I have it all together. I mean, do we ever feel like we have it together at this age?

Probably not, but sometimes being young and not having it together is the best time to travel and here is why. 

1).  It teaches you about yourself and the way you view the world around you. I love the journey that is life and all of the adventures that come with it. Adventures, good or bad, teach us more about ourselves and the way in which we view life in the world. Traveling for me is a way to get lost in the world but be found in myself. What I mean with this is traveling is a way I can put myself at complete vulnerability and learn so many things about myself I never even knew existed at the same time of learning the world around me.

Olga Mecking couldn't have said it better in her blog Don't Travel to Find Yourself, she states, "Traveling can be life-changing, educational, mind-opening and it can actually lead to self discovery. In fact, I know that it will definitely lead to self-discovery because that's what traveling does".

2). It teaches you about the world around you. One of the most beautiful things about traveling is that at the same time of discovering yourself you can discover the world that is other cultures and become aware of some very important worldly issues. 

Adam London from the Huffington Post said it best in his blog Travel While You are Young,

"Traveling will change you like little else can. It will put you in places that will force you to care for issues that are bigger than you. You will begin to understand that the world is both very large and very small. You will have a newfound respect for pain and suffering, having seen that two-thirds of humanity struggle to simply get a meal each day. While you're still young, get cultured. Get to know the world and the magnificent people that fill it. The world is a stunning place, full of outstanding works of art. See it."

3). It can help you discover your purpose in life. Most of us aren't born discovering our purpose in life and a lot of us spend time working to discover that purpose. Traveling can be the perfect guide to discovering your purpose by creating various life experiences you may not encounter on an every day basis. 

Norbert couldn't have stated it better in his piece, 9 Reasons To Travel While You're Young

"Traveling when young can be a great platform to diversify your experience early in life and to discover what is your purpose in life.  Each country, each city, even each restaurant you might visit is an opportunity to experiment something different.  It is better to realize your true desires and potential early in life rather than realize them when you think it’s too late."

4).  It teaches you your limits and how to push past them. Traveling will test your patience, it will try your fears, and it will make you question your decisions. But, in the end the reward from the risks can be the greatest reward of your life. You learn so much about your mental limits and how to push pasts them. 

5). It teaches you to enjoy every moment as if it is your last. Growing old is not a guarantee and unfortunately tomorrow is not promised. Embarking on new adventures is a way to embrace life and live it to the fullest each day. 

Absolutely couldn't have closed this blog with a better quote from Sarah Hansen, she captivates the entire reason for traveling while you're young by stating,

"I think a lot of young people put off traveling because they want to be responsible, work hard, get married, have kids, and build up a life. However, I think it’s a mistake to put off traveling in exchange for the belief that you can do it when you retire and have more time. While I certainly plan to continue to travel after I retire, I also realize I am not guaranteed old age. If something happens and I don’t live to see my forties, fifties, or sixties, I will have no regrets. I have experienced the world to the best of my ability by taking every opportunity presented to me to see all of this gorgeous planet that I can. Traveling has made me the person that I am, and I’m so grateful that I have plenty of years left with this version of me to continue the adventure."

1 comment:

  1. Traveling is a rich form of education and I absolutely love it. Good for you....keep going out to "discover"
