Friday, January 15, 2016

Growing up 90's Style

Very Much So! 
Internet killed the fun! Growing up in the 90s was mind blowing. There were no iPhones, Facebook, and you didn’t have to worry about someone posting a video of you online. They (whoever they are) said that 80s babies were the last generation to have fun before technology made its growth spurt. I was born in 1987, but raised in the 90s. My childhood memories involved me running around with the neighborhood kids, and fond memories of my mother telling me to take a shower because I smell like outside. 

Oh how I miss being a kid! Not because I have to pay bills and be responsible, (ok I lied) but also because I lived a carefree life. Take a moment and come down memory lane with me as I reminisce on being a kid...this should be fun.

While searching the internet I was able to come up with these memories with helpful links from

Game System
Super Nintendo 
When my brother received Nintendo for Christmas he’d sneak on it all the time on school nights. I would get envious because he rarely got caught. When coming home from school my mom played it hogging up our playtime. We all wanted to play on the game system and it was evident the Nintendo was taking over our lives, well except for my dad’s because he was working. My brother would be player 1 and I followed behind as player 2. We played Mario’s World and sat up for hours trying to beat one level. The different boards were fascinating and we went through a lot just to rescue a princess. Who would of thought a small man with red overalls could have so much superpowers?

Sega Genesis also became popular in the 90s, which brought some competition to Nintendo (I guess). Sonic was the face of Sega Genesis and kids would compare which one was better. I loved playing Sega Genesis and having Tails as my player. Mortal Kombat was also another popular game and people would get into serious arguments over who was going to be who...oh yea, it was serious! 

90s television shows kept houses contained. However, there’s nothing like Saturday morning cartoons. I would eat my bowl of cereal with my pajamas on watching cartoons until noon. Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network seemed to be at a battle, but I was a Nickelodeon kid, Cartoon Network never had a chance after I watched reruns of Doug, Hey Arnold, and the infamously Rugrats. Family shows were also a 90s favorite. The Prince of Bel-Air, Martin, In Living Color, and Living Single caught my attention during the week nights. Conversations at the school lunch table was at its all time high when talking about these shows.
Cassette Tape

Cassette tapes were famous and people were known to have a boom box in close distance. If the tape became messed up sticking a number 2 pencil inside the circle and rewinding it, was the way to put it back in its place. They were fun to have and easy to record over. Side A was mostly popular than side B, but before CD’s and iTunes cassette tapes were an importance in the 90s!

Free and AJ from 106&Park
Music videos became famous and as a preteen watching 106 & Park was a must. It was something about guessing who was going to be number one that was exciting. Some days it was obvious while other times it was hard to tell. Free and AJ were the host that made 106 & Park come alive. Celebrities that were at the peak of their career stopped by to talk about their album, and a performance from a celeb was a bonus. Every teen in the 90s ran home to watch the show at 6:00pm. It seemed as if watching it was a bundle of fun and a remarkable memory.

Growing up in the 90s was pretty simple. AOL landed its stomping grounds into many homes. My cousins would argue all the time about who was getting on. We didn’t care how long dial up would take, getting in the chatrooms was exciting. But, if someone was on the computer you better not pick up the phone or the computer would mess up. A person spent hours online chatting with a complete stranger and for some reason that was okay. The more chat rooms the better the conversations appeared to be. There's something about hitting those keys behind a keyboard that made people fell powerful. 

America Online 


  1. Makes me long for the yester years... My kids have no concept of life before the internet and cell phones. We dont have cable so we have that going for them. -KAREN

  2. Thanks for the memories...Reminds me of a time my son took me to open house. His teacher has a cassette player in her classroom, and for the life of him, he couldn't remember what the "thing" was. LOL...

  3. Thanks for the memories...Reminds me of a time my son took me to open house. His teacher has a cassette player in her classroom, and for the life of him, he couldn't remember what the "thing" was. LOL...

  4. Fabulous opening line! And nice use of photos, subheadings and links.

    I miss being limited to the amount of time online (can't tie up the phone for too long!)...
