Friday, January 15, 2016

The Gamer's Mind

                    It has recently been made clear to me, that... I like to play video games. Honestly, I never thought to much about it. Playing video games is just something I tend to do, like breathing. I don't think twice about it. Which causes other's to think, perhaps this is something she likes to do? Yes. Indeed it is. I hadn't realized until recently, that, I actually really like to play video games, a lot. Here's what makes me say that.

                     About a week or so ago, someone asked me if I was into video games. Of course I said yes. My gears didn't start to turn until the person asked me "Which kind?" at that moment, it was almost as if I had become slightly confused. This was because I didn't think I understood the question. All I could think was... "What do you mean what kind? What genre? What style? What type? What system? What.... what?"

                      For a moment there it was almost as if I had lost myself in thought. I decided to return to the conversation. "What do you mean?" I asked. From that point on I ventured to explain that I was not a picky gamer. Often this person or that person would only like to play games on the computer, where that person or this person would only play games on a counsel. Let me further explain what that means.

                      About 15 years ago I used to only play video games that were on the computer, they came on discs that you could sometimes download the content of. Other discs required internet access. A bit after that, hand held games started to come out, so that player could enjoy the thrill of gaming where ever they are. Either way, I played them. Even now today there are games that are coming out, just for the computer, and some others that people are only able to play online. This is a link to the list of the top games of 2015 here. Granted most of these games are RPG or MMORPG. Short hand for Role Player Game or Massive Multiplayer Online Role Play Game. This basically means, that you are able to play through the story of the game, online with other players that are logged on. But wait, there's more.
                       The multiplayer feature is available for a lot of counsel games as well. I'll further explain that. A counsel would be considered a game playing system like Sony's Playstations or the Xbox's that come out every other year. On these counsels people are able to also download games and or play the games through discs. For many reason, a lot of people go so far as to choosing only to play on the computer or only to play counsel. I personally, do not mind. Typically I'm in it for the story line.
                        This being the case I am able to bounce between playing games on the computer or the counsel quite easily. One thing I am able not so willing to do, is bounce between Playstation and Xbox. I... just... wont. It's a thing with me. In fact, I don't know any gamer who does so willingly. Here's one of the main reasons.

                           As complicated and daunting this all may look, I personally grew up using the Playstation controller. Imagine growing up using your right hand for everything, then suddenly you are drafted into a world where you'd have to use your left hand for everything, or there would be death to pay. Sounds kind of sorrowful right? Well it is. It's basically like taking everything you know and throwing it out of the window, leaving you borderline paralyzed and confused. It's a horrible feeling really. But I digress. I happen to own a few gaming systems, but I mainly play on my counsel the Playstation 3 and my Nitendo Ds, a hand held gaming device.

                           Aside from being comfortable with the system you're using to play these games, most have a setting of difficulty that'll add challenge or make them easier to bare. This being the case, over the past few years, the lovely world of game play has grown ever so useful. Being it that you probably aren't the only one in the world play what ever game you choose to play, if the game is popular enough, there may be a game play of it on line or on you tube somewhere. 
                          The point of game play is for gamers to help other gamers, learn how to get though the more so difficult parts of the game. There are even videos out there that display secrets hidden in the games or ways to unlock content through achievements. The two Youtube gamers I tend to follow are PewDiePie and Markiplier. I added the link to PewDiePie's website and Markiplier's youtube page to their names. These two, are amazing human beings. Not to be compared though, because even though they may seem similar, I admire the two of them for very different reasons.
                         PewDiePie has saved my will to fight, countless times. But I started to watch him for the same reason I was watching Markiplier. They were entertaining. For that soul reason, had I watched Markiplier's entire walk through game play of Five Nights At Freddy's. Hours of my life that I will never ever get back, but I don't regret it. He was hilarious. Even so, here's the big difference between him and PewDiePie for me. I only watch Markiplier as it pertains to Five Nights at Freddy's, but I will never ever, ever try and ever beat that game. Ever. It's just too scary and nerve racking, but it was fun to watch. 
                         Where on the other hand with PewDiePie, I can honestly say that I've beaten at least 2 or three games with the help of this fellow. When I got lost or confused, I'd search up PewDiePie and low and behold, he has already cleared the path for me to skip through. Without watching his tactic when beating some of the challenges through the game, I may have quit or given up. Don't get me wrong, I don't just copy cat. But, after I have died a glorious number of times, I look to see how he got through it, and I give it a shot. 

                            Games like, The Last of Us and Heavy Rain I just simply would not have had to will to beat if it weren't for PewDiePie. This is not just because he figure the difficult things out, but also because he was hilarious. He helped me laugh through the challenging times, which lifted my spirit to press on ward. Then, when I had finally beat the game, I felt like he had truly beat it with me. Gaming is great, its something you can choose to do alone or with friends, and often times, it leaves you with a mighty sense of accomplishment. Even when watching Markiplier, finishing the play list out with him till the end, still grants the opportunity to feel happy for him. Both of these guys, are very emotional fellows.


                            So when you think to yourself "To play, or to game play?" It's the gamer's mind. What ever you're up to, go for it. Honestly you don't have to choose. Both can be very rewarding, especially if you make it to the end. Either way, the gamer's mind is the same. Have Fun**                       


  1. Thank you for pointing out the difference between controllers. I grew up with a joystick and 1 red button!! LOL...the controllers are complicated to me - my children get it though. But now I know why my son is a Playstation kind of guy

    1. Literally the controler can change the feel of an entire game. A person can go from loosing terribly to winning every fight.
