Saturday, January 16, 2016

5 reasons why you should travel to Antarctica…

Recently I was lucky enough to take a two-week one-in-a-lifetime expedition trip to Antarctica. Before I get to my reasons why you should go and go immediately (and take me back with you!), I suppose I must answer some inevitable questions.
  • Why? Why not?! Talk about the ultimate adventure. And yes, people do travel there! According to the Antarctic Report, "the number of tourists to Antarctica for the 2015/2016 season is expected to be the second largest in history with 40,029 visitors. Compare that to Alaska which sees about 1 million cruise guests per year."
  • Wasn’t it cold? Actually, not that bad. It’s summer there and the coldest it got was in the upper 20s. As long as you’re dressed correctly, you’re fine! Plus, it is almost 24 hours of sunlight in the summer, so the sun makes it feel warmer. As the IAATO (International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators) mentions, “the tourist season is during the austral summer, usually from late October or early November through late March or early April of each year. There are no tourism activities the rest of the year.”
(Although, I will say I was absolutely, painstakingly freezing after I did a polar plunge in Antarctic waters, but I suppose that was my own fault…)
  • How long did it take to get there? Oh, just a 9-hour plane ride to Buenos Aires, Argentina then a 4 hour plane ride to Ushuaia, Argentina and then almost two full days at sea on a ship. So, just a hop, skip and a jump.
Taken by yours truly
  • How long were you there? We were on the ship for 10 days and 6 days actually on the Antarctica Peninsula, plus 2 continental landings.

So, why should you travel there?

1. The Remoteness.
“Antarctica is one of the most remote places on Earth and unique in that it is the only continent to never have had an indigenous human population” (IAATO).

Never have I been more ready to turn off my cell phone and be able to experience silent serenity. Antarctica has no cars, or traffic, or even people. The only sounds are from the wind, the wildlife and your fellow travelers. It was so quiet and peaceful, you really feel like you’re cut off from the world, which was such a nice change of pace.

2. The Uniqueness.
Antarctica is unlike anywhere else on earth. It is unlike any vacation you have ever taken and probably will ever take again.

3. The Stunning Scenery.
This goes without saying, but the scenery in Antarctica is stunning. From the glaciers to the icebergs to the beautiful blue waters, very little has been touched. There is no pollution. Everything is pristine and gorgeous, the way nature is supposed to be.

4. The Wildlife.
Penguins, whales, seals, dolphins, birds – oh my! It’s amazing to watch animals that are not one bit phased by humans. To be able to watch these animals in their natural habitat and up close and personal is such an experience.

Adelie penguin
Humpback whale

5. The History.
"Lecturers and naturalists present presentations on topics that relate to the area traveled as well as on topics such as geology, glaciology, biology (seabirds and sea mammals), the history of Antarctic exploration, geopolitics, the Antarctic Treat, and selected other topics” (IAATO).

The trip I was on was educational-based, so not only were we able to see and experience the wonderful sights, but we were able to learn about them too. “ As the IAATO reminds us, “first-hand travel experiences foster education and a better understanding of the destination and the need for responsible tourism.”

It was such a unique experience, unlike anywhere else in the world. I highly recommend putting Antarctica on your bucket list, you won't be disappointed!

Taken by yours truly


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